forest retreat
time voyager 2024rubber duck's adventure 2024garden house 2024deep water, shallow water 2023in praise of shadows 2022birdle* 2021one 2021in a glimpse of an eye 2021breathing module 2020forest retreat 2020cloud 2019spiritual space 2019fluid square 2018imagine the future of education 2018line 2018temple 2018when the maple leaves tinted red 2017
Inspired by the natural scenery and the beauty of the ancient castel,this design tries to capture the screnity on site. The location of the two modules are carefully chosen to not disturb the exisiting scenery and also can serve as viewports to the site.
The exisiting ancient castle serves as a fountain of inspiration to this design as the walls, trees, falling stones on site creates a harmony rythme of emptiness and solidness. The design of the two modules based on a similar design language, to play with the composition of circle and square, and to generate different spatial atmospheres within two white cubes.
Vibrac, France
Forest Lodging