spiritual space
spiritual space
spiritual space
spiritual space
spiritual space
spiritual space
spiritual space
spiritual space
spiritual space
spiritual space

Today, the rapid increase in the amount of data and the effects of its abundance are at the expense of a collective mindfulness. Entering into a modern era, people are adapting to this explosion of information by creating multiple identities of themselves. Different identities act differently online and offline. The sad truth, that this era forces people to struggle between true-selves and pretending-selves, is horrifying.

“Who am I?”, this eternal identity question is more urgent now than ever. To tackle this in a spatial manner, I wondered whether space can serve as a mediator between the physical and mental being. In a time when practicing yoga and meditation becomes a global phenomenon as a mental curing method, what can spatial designers contribute? Among all the archetypes of space we have now, is there a type of space that has not been carefully thought of?

Spiritual space is conceived to take on the role of chapels/temples in the context of globalization, to offer repose. 



